Friday, November 21, 2008

NeckWarmers, Neck Adornments

I'd been happily and busily thinking of new forms for my lariats, and then I thought about something more collar-like... not a scarf, not a scarflette.... well I saw what i sought in Vickie Howell's blue neck decor.

Inspired by a visual realization of what I wanted to make, I created the first of these with some yummy handpsun wool, in purple for my purple-loving niece.

Then I doubled the delicious green wool merino I had awaiting such a great purpose and created a neck adornment for my green-loving step person.

It looks handsomer than the pictures depict, so I tried another version with more ruffly ruffles ( I just happened to
create these swingy ruffles and now want to make something else, so I can make them again).
The green shimmers more as a single thread than it does doubled. I can't figure out why this his so, but so it is.

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