Ah! The joys of ever larger applications of crochet! The dainty intricacies of doilies are appreciated anew when they are expanded to wall-size decor, or used as stencils for steel, plastic, and shaped into furniture.
I needed a break from the intense, lately pleasure-delimiting thought-work of pattern writing and so asked a bit, read a bit and looked at various doily and motif pattern books to start a rug.
I got some great advice -- I know because in choosing the piece that i liked the most, I didn't follow the advice and it's not working out! Sigh.
Four strands of LB WoolEAse is not sizing up -- the motif in thread is 4.5" and done with 4 strands and a 10mm hook -- all I got was 11.5 inches, not an explosion!
So I've got to design more, add more rows. Images from 101 Motifs for Thread Crochet and Bib Book of Little Doilies.